Our Products Decorative Greens All Varieties Banksia Bouquets Cape Greens Color Treated Decorative Greens Erica Geraldton Wax Leucadendron Leucospermum Proteas Serruria All Months January February March April May June July August September October November December Green Mix Eucalyptus Populus Eucalyptus Cladocalyx Eucalyptus Cinerea Eucalyptus Cinerea Eucalyptus Bellgum Eucalyptus Baby Blue Brunia Albigreen Purple Brunia Albigreen Mixed Colours Brunia Albigreen Pink Paranomus Wild Berzelia Squarrosa Natural Red Berzelia Galpini Young Assorted Cape Greens Banksia Speciosa Yellow Banksia Speciosa Blue Banksia Prionotes Red Banksia Prionotes Pink Banksia Prionotes Orange Banksia Mix Banksia Menziesii Cone Banksia Hookeriana Yellow Banksia Hookeriana Turquoise Banksia Hookeriana Pink Banksia Hookeriana Orange Banksia Hookeriana Mixed Banksia Hookeriana Dusty Pink Banksia Hookeriana Purple Banksia Hookeriana Blue Paranomus Yellow Paranomus Red Paranomus Purple Paranomus Pink Paranomus Orange Paranomus Blue Metalasia Yellow Metalasia Red Metalasia Purple Metalasia Pink Metalasia Orange Metalasia Blue Viburnum Buds Erica Baccans Viburnum Green Pampas Grass Natural Bouquet Sunset Bouquet Shamrock Mix Bouquet Maypole Bouquet Julistar Bouquet Hybrid Single Protea Colour Treated Bouquet Cone Mix with Brunia Bouquet Cape Mix Multi Colours Bouquet Rainbow Mix Bouquet Hybrid Carousel Colour Treated Bouquet Hybrid 2 Protea Colour Treated Bouquet Hybrid 2 Protea Bouquet Cone Mix Red Bouquet Albiflora with Protea Bouquet Mandarin Bouquet Cone Mix Tinted Bouquet Cape Mix Tinted Bouquet Albiflora Pastel Protea White Pride Pampas Grass Orange Pampas Grass Yellow Pampas Grass Green Pampas Grass Red Pampas Grass Pink Pampas Grass Purple Pampas Grass Blue Bouquet Cone Mix Jumbo Leucadendron Red Gem Adenthos (Woolly Bush) Eucalyptus Bellgum Cocculus Ofir Geraldton Waxflowers Bouquet Summer Morn Leucadendron Discolor Green Repens White Stoebe Plumosa Berzelia Galpini Ruby Rock Phylica Paranomus Metalasia Erica Prince of Wales Leucadendron Safari Sunset Leucadendron Platyspermum Leucadendron Mountain Rose Protea Venus Protea Susara Protea Sharonet Protea Repens Red Protea Pink Ice Protea Penny Pink Protea Madiba Banksia Speciosa Banksia Prionotes Banksia Menziesii Banksia Hookeriana Swordfern Grevillia Ivanhoe Green Sticks Eucalyptus Populus Eucalyptus Cinerea Beargrass Bouquet River Mix Bouquet Hybrid Single Bouquet Hybrid Carousel Bouquet Flori Mix Bouquet Edelkeur Bouquet Cone Mix Bouquet Cape Mix Bouquet African Mix Nir Geraldton Waxflowers Jupiter Geraldton Waxflowers Erica Pink Erica Cubica Erica Borbonifolia Diosma Brunia Laevis (Silver Brunia) Brunia Albigreen Berzelia Squarrosa Berzelia Abrotanoides Young Aspalathus Agathosma Leucadendron Laurel Yellow Leucadendron Jester Leucadendron Inca Gold Protea Limelight Protea Lieben cherry Protea Lady Pearl Protea Cynaroides Protea Carnival Protea Brenda Protea Niobe Protea Barbigera Empress Protea Arctic Ice